Saturday, February 21, 2009

Haha So Im guessing he read it.

As you might of heard.....Not... My school had a dance a masquerade lol and me being lazy forgot forgot forgot to get a ticket (more like i didnt have the cash on me to buy one) But my faithfull friend Faith lol bought one for me. Lol we delayed shopping till the day b4 the dance lol go figure...It was a semi formal ( but everybody dressed formal) We kept putting it off sooo yea anyway figured out we had dresses that would work very well ( we would just have to sew on some decorative straps for "School rules sake" ) And of course we didnt shop for masks either and we ended up having the brilliant idea to just Paint it on! Shopping at Michaels the craft store You think they would carry face paint but noo. Looked around there forrrrr about 30-40 min looking for it and couldn't get anybody to help us because for some reason the store was packed! (i've never seen it so full) bought some "face painting sticks" O.o weird I know..not to mention they aren't water mixable so lol wtf how can you paint? Got home and lol of course I didn't need to buy them because my sister had some face paint left over from halloween that was exactly what i wanted. If you can believe it my hair was still perfectly curly after almost two days of wear and tear (from the rag curls) So it only needed slight touch ups here and there. But the mask took about a hour or so because the white paint had to have a gazillion layers because it was so thin. Then I had to carefully line it and do the stripes with a shakey hand (from drinking fusion coffee) with a liquid eye liner thinggy. I thought the gem ma bobs were a nice touch thanks to Vintage dancer. The dance was ok. LOL YAY FOR GETTING DRESSED UP !!!!!!

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